News Outdoors Sports

APIK Ski and Snowboard Event Arrives in Mississauga – Watch it LIVE HERE

UPDATED – February 9, 2025 (12:25 PM EDT)

Alone.  Fearless.  He stood on the edge of the snow-covered platform.  Stamped his feet one at a time to clear the snow from his cleats.  He clicked into his skis.  Looked over his shoulder at the crowd of young men and women – athletes in the prime of their lives. Ready for adventure, each and every one of them.

“You got this!” a teenager girl with dark-haired yelled.

“Rip it man!” the brawny youth cheered.

The group of athletes clapped slowly.  The pounding of their hands pulsed and grew louder.  A chorus of encouragement rose from the crowd and threatened to push him off the platform. 

These athletes cheered for more than just one athlete at a time.  They cheered for all the athletes that were there.  Regardless of the night’s outcome, they wanted to push themselves and their brethren to do their best.  To take the sport to new heights and do tricks the naysayers said couldn’t be done. 

The crowd chanted their support as the young man on the podium turned toward the vertical drop.  He bent his knees slightly and plummeted over the edge. 

One after the other, the young men and women, the next generation of great trick skiers bulleted toward the first rail.  Streaks of black, red, brown, orange and white passed me as I stood on the top of the deck. 

They were human torpedoes.  Stars shooting across the white expanse toward the cheering crowd at the bottom of the run. 

This was the final event of the night.  The SAMSUNG Galaxy Best Trick. 

Every trick was pure.  Every run was great.  But, in any competition there has to be a winner.

Kurra Koivisto was the Champion.  He won the SAMSUNG Galaxy Best Trick of the day.  He rocketed off the SAMSUNG Galaxy Battleship, transferred to the inner rail with a front swap to a 270 out.    The judges thought it was impossible, but the 24-year-old Finn nailed it. 

The crowd went wild.

Later today, snowboarders will occupy the 40’ foot vertical drop that is 235’ long. 

The live stream starts at 5:00 pm EDT.   Watch it here on

(Original Post Below – February 8, 2025)

MISSISSAUGA, CANADA and SANTA MONICA – The air outside YYZ Pearson Airport in Toronto was frigid. Snow covered the ground like white sugared icing dressed on your favorite cake.

 I felt like a thoroughbred as my breath vaporized in white drafts of vitality. I was super-charged.  Excitement and energy pulsed through my body like a locomotive running full throttle.

It was great to be in Canada once again.  The synergies between Canada and the USA run deep and true.  We, in the North remember and support one another.

I came to Mississauga to watch and cover the APIK Ski and Snowboard Competition.  What is it?  You may ask. Think Winter X Games years ago when the event was up-and-coming.  When it was cooler.  Less focused on monetization.  When it was about the athletes and the community.

That is APIK.  For the community. A tribe of people celebrating life and winter adrenaline sports here and across the globe.

Near downtown Mississauga, the Tribu team built a snowboard and ski run that is approximately 200’ long.  There are rails and moguls that the athletes navigate.  Sure, the athletes are competing to win a prize, but more than anything, the athletes are enjoying their chosen sport, enjoying the beauty of being in the moment, enjoying the sound as the edges of their boards or skis cut through the snow. 

Most people know what it’s like to be in the moment.  In harmony.  That time of perfect bliss as the athlete and equipment are one.  Sailing through the air in perfect balance of mind, body, and equipment.  Harnessing gravity.  Landing on the packed snow with a slight crunch, registering but not truly hearing the applause of the crowd as they stick the landing.

Pure joy and bliss.   Finding and channeling the inner child. Still a kid enjoying the sport for the sake of it.

On Saturday, there are two qualifying rounds for skiing.  The first qualification round begins at 3:00 pm EDT.  The second qualifying round begins at 5:00 pm EDT. 

The Final Round begins at 6:15 pm EDT and will be streamed live.  You can watch the live stream below:

Snowboarders will take over the ramp on Sunday.  There will be two qualifying rounds on Sunday.  The first round begins at 2:00 pm EDT and the second begins at 3:30 pm EDT. 

The snowboard competition final begins at 5:00 pm EDT and will be streamed live here.  You can watch the link below:

The final event of the night is the SAMSUNG Galaxy BEST TRICK which starts at 7:00 pm EDT.  You can watch the SAMSUNG Galaxy BEST TRICK live here:

Snowflakes are falling outside as I write this from the warmth of the Delta Hotel lobby.  It looks slippery outside.  Cold.  They don’t call if the Great White North for nothing.  Time to put on my long-johns and head out to the fun.

Come join the fun on Saturday and Sunday.  APIK will host free community events.  There is a snowskate open jam and snowboard initiation.  Local vendors are also selling food and drink.  Come and taste a bit of Canada.