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McKinley Elementary wins top honors for “Bike it Walk it” week

May 10, 2015 Santa Monica. Mayor Kevin McKeown awards McKinley volunteers.
May 10, 2015 Santa Monica.  Mayor Kevin McKeown awards McKinley volunteers.
May 10, 2015 Santa Monica. Mayor Kevin McKeown awards McKinley volunteers.

SANTA MONICA — McKinley Elementary School students and volunteers once again showed their commitment to the environment and the green movement as the school won the award for most participants during the Bike it, Walk it week.

All of the elementary schools in Santa Monica participated in last week’s event that encouraged students and parents to take alternate modes of transportation to school.  Students competed by either walking, riding a bike, scooting or carpooling.

All the schools in Santa Monica participated in the event and did a fantastic job during the week long event. But McKinley Elementary had the “highest participation” among the student body and was officially recognized by Mayor Kevin McKeown at the Santa Monica Festival at Clover Park on Saturday.

Stephan Corbel, a volunteer for the Sustainability and Beautification Committee at McKinley Elementary said, “It was a collective effort by all the students and parents.”

In the video below, Mayor McKeown recognized McKinley Elementary for the efforts during Bike it Walk it.

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Photo and video courtesy of McKinley volunteers.